Easily create builders for your tests using Intellij IDEA

The builder pattern is one of the more useful patterns out there when creation unit tests. Instead of having a huge initialization such as: You can instead create a simple user builder object for your tests that would initialize all of the object’s properties with default values (not empty) – since you do not really … Continue reading Easily create builders for your tests using Intellij IDEA

Using NUnit and FakeItEasy to create fake objects automatically for your tests

From time to time I get to teach and mentor Java developers on the fine art of unit testing. There are many similarities when unit testing in Java and .NET but more interesting are the differences between the two. Faking objects in Java using Mockito One of the well-used Java Isolation (Mocking) frameworks is called … Continue reading Using NUnit and FakeItEasy to create fake objects automatically for your tests

Unit testing custom StyleCop rules using Typemock Isolator

I’ve never was a big fan of “coding standard” – Although I always thought that the same style should be kept throughout a project or even the entire company’s code base – the idea of forcing developers to write the same code based on a document nobody ever read seemed just wrong. Fast forward a … Continue reading Unit testing custom StyleCop rules using Typemock Isolator

Catch – multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++

When unit testing in C++ I tend to use Google Test/Mock, it’s simple to use, multi-platform solution. In the last few days I have been having second thoughts about it due to a new framework called Catch. What is (the) Catch? “Catch” stand for C++ Automated Test Cases in Headers. It’s an open source project … Continue reading Catch – multi-paradigm automated test framework for C++